
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Talk about feelings? I like kitties...

Why is it so difficult to tell someone close to you that they are hurting your feelings?

Or to tell someone that you want to be a part of their life? Using the wise words of my dear friend, "it's [not] that you want to be surgically attached, it's that you want to feel like you're part of [their] whole life, not just a segment of it."

Why is it so hard to say that? 

I don't really have much to say on the matter because, quite honestly, I can't organize my thoughts enough to get it down. My brain is jumbled. And I'm feeling down.

I tend to think my not wanting to talk about my feelings is because of my many failed attempts to do so in the past, and the losers that I dated making it seem like my feelings didn't matter. So, I've been conditioned in a way. Keep your feelings in, even if you don't like how things are going. Deal with it. Bah!

I struggle to be better in this arena. I strive to be better in life in so many ways. At work, I push myself to do better, set goals and try my hardest to exceed them. In life, I pride myself on being adventurous and find it exhilarating to make great changes like packing my belongings into a U-haul and moving to an unknown city. I try to get involved in new things regularly and continue to learn about my body, limits, and push boundaries. But when it comes to how I feel, that is a struggle I can't seem to surpass.

This is now my focus. I will work to do better with expressing the feelings I tend to bottle up. Any advice in doing this is welcome.

Do you struggle with sharing your feelings? How do you work past the fear?

Now look at these fluffy kitties!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Recipe for the Books!

It's been awhile. I've been a huge slacker with blogging, made obvious by my lack of posts. I want to do better. And I'm going to try to have a post at least once a week and go from there.

I have a recipe for you, for your friends, your siblings, coworkers, etc.. Anyone who will take the time to listen. This one is for the books and everyone should have it.

As of late, I've witnessed and experienced really foul attitudes towards others who are striving for success and obtaining goals they have set for themselves. Why can't we just be excited for others? Support them in their lives and strive for better ourselves?

Short story time: A lady in my office is constantly putting others down. Pointing out the flaws of anyone and everyone and making a personal vendetta against some. It's very strange. Most recently, she has voiced her opinion on the fact that a couple of recent interns would soon be at the same level that she is currently (and she's been here for some years). Well, she is not happy about that. And everyone knows. But maybe if she didn't put all of her time and energy into negativity, she would have more time to work, progress, and get promoted herself. Hmmmm???

As for the's simple.

1 part excitement
1 part support

That's it! Some physical activity such as jumping up and down might be involved but not always required.

Feel free to leave out the:


When you're friend has done well at work and is awarded and they call you to celebrate, get excited for them!! If they have been looking for work and finally nail an interview and think it could result in an offer, jump up and down with them!! They called YOU because they thought you would be there for them! Not be bitter and angry because you aren't getting the same things. If what they are achieving is something you, too, would like to do, seek advice and work hard. And after you that and don't see the results you'd like, work *harder*.

Get excited because they are excited. Feel good because your friend feels good. Don't let those ugly negative feelings take over. You are in control of your thoughts and feelings. Make the necessary changes so that you can be happy, not only for yourself but for others.

My last piece of advice... tell those around you that you are proud of them or congratulate them on a job well done. You don't have to be prompted to do this, just do it on your own. It's so good to see a friend smile.

Have a good day, friends!
